St. Francis once said: “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.” This is the case every time. When someone is cruel to animals, they are cruel to human beings. In fact, Christianity is the best for the care of animals.
Dozens of American-trained dogs were killed by a Kuwaiti-based company last week, according to multiple reports, though there are conflicting explanations for the deaths.
While several news agencies reported the story, they fail to also report that it becomes obvious by looking at the dog-killer that his mustache is trimmed and his beard elongated, and by stepping on the slaughtered dog he shows clearly that he is a Muslim dog-hater.
Islam views dogs as impure, and the Islamic legal tradition has developed several injunctions that warn Muslims against contact with dogs. Muslims use this to justify the abuse and neglect of these friendly animals. While Islam provides a story where Muhammad rescued a thirsty dog to equate that animals are “communities like you,” this is a part of Islam’s reversalist agenda. Islam, like liberalism, equates animals with humans to minimize human value while holding the top rank of human and animal abuse in the world. Islam prohibits prostitution and allows Misyar marriage, where Muslim men can rent a wife for a day (legal prostitution); Islam also allows sex with captive concubines. While Islam condemns homosexuality, it allows transvestites and effeminate cross-dressers.
Even the story of these dogs reveals that Islam is a bundle of contradictions.
When it comes to dogs, the Muslims are cruel. An Instagram post by the Kuwait Animal Rescue Unit showed the dogs’ bodies piled on top of each other in a narrow hallway and called the action by Eastern Securities of Kuwait a “horrifying animal abuse/massacre.”
The Miami Herald exposes:
“Due to their contract being revoked, they slaughtered 24 of their US K9 dogs whom were trained by USK9 dog training facility which is located in Louisiana, USA,” the post reads. “This security company is an American company which worked with Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC). KNPC paid 3000KD (equivalent of $9900)/month) to the security company for each dog.”
But, of course, the Eastern Securities of Kuwait offers an excuse and said the animals were euthanized, due to ongoing health issues, not because of the failed contract. But the New York Post gives detail of the abuses.
Dogs were underfed and water was stored in barrels on the kennel’s rooftop — by the time the dogs drank, the water was hot. Even the human workers went without water for a month, and had to spend their own money buying bottled water to drink and to shower.
Even a dog with cancer was made to work, and in seven days, it died. They always kicked the dogs.
When hired by Eastern Securities as a veterinarian in July of 2013, Branko Przar had served as a K9 handler in the Bosnian Army. He testifies: “Dogs were dying there because of bad, bad care,” he tells the Post. “One dog literally died — I was asking for the company to take the dog to be hospitalized in Kuwait. They didn’t want to pay for the trip and seven, eight hours later the dog was found dead in the kennel.”
Very sad indeed.
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