What Hillary Clinton Was Just Seen Wearing Is Raising A LOT Of Questions!

Who’s that old lady wearing a safari hat next to Bill?

On Tuesday, during their annual Hamptons holiday, Bill and Hillary Clinton were spotted taking a walk on the beach in the Hamptons.

According to reports, as they strolled down the beach the two barely spoke to each other, Hillary Clinton wore a long sleeve shirt, baggy pants, sunglasses, and a large hat as she walked on the beach in Amagansett.

We all know Hillary, a twice-failed presidential candidate who desperately shielded every inch of her skin from the sun that she even pulled her sleeves over her hands.

Bill cut it all together with a sober figure dressed in a black T-shirt and blue jeans, his eyes shielded by his black baseball cap.

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According to Daily Mail reports:

The couple had walked almost half a mile when Hillary took a short break on the pier, watched over by Secret Service Agents,

Meanwhile, her husband headed off the beach and up the stairs towards Amagansett’s famous Bell Estate – an enclave of multi-million dollar houses and Neither Bill nor Hillary seemed in much of a mood to talk as they walked along the beach Tuesday, shadowed by their Secret Service detail. Bill returned to the pier after a brief sojourn and the couple resumed their trudge along the shoreline.

Sources: Thegatewaypundit, Dailymail, Msn, Volnation

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