Woman Speaks Out After Spotting What Two Soldiers Did To Their Uniforms
A woman from Seattle, Washington had settled down at Starbucks to get a little work done on her computer when two soldiers entered the building. After she spotted what the two soldiers did to their uniforms right in front of three young children, she felt compelled to speak out.
Alyssa Galios is a writer at Faith Over Fear who had stopped at her local Starbucks to enjoy a cup of almond milk coffee while she worked. However, she spotted what two soldiers did to their uniforms in front of three innocent children that will forever leave a lasting impact on their lives, and she felt compelled to speak out about it. So, she shared what she saw with the Facebook page Love What Matters, and the story has since gone viral.
“Sitting in Starbucks this morning, happily working away; I’m alone in the corner, my pen scribbling notes in my notebook and my almond milk coffee nearby,” Alyssa explained in her post. “The only other table full this morning is a momma with her three young kiddos. 👩👧👦They are slurping up what I assume to be hot cocoa, laughing a lot, and burning off their sugar highs. But, when the door opens, the kids go silent.”
Everyone in the coffee shop fixed their eyes on the two soldiers who entered as they walked up to the register and placed their orders. Then, one of the soldiers felt the prying eyes of the young kids behind him. “One of the soldiers turns, walks over to the little boy wearing a Spider-Man sweater, and crouches down to eye level,” Alyssa recalled. “He smiles big. ‘How is your day going, little man?’”
Of course, the young toddler was thrilled that a real-life “hero” was talking to him. Then, the soldier did something unexpected that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the kids’ lives. He ripped the Velcro-American flag off of his arm and passed it to the little boy, but that’s not all. “Then, the other soldier makes his way over and says ‘You can have this one, too,’” Alyssa explained. “And hands the little boy another badge, ripped straight off of his own coat.”
After the mom thanked the soldiers for their kindness, they took a quick picture before the boy and his siblings had to leave for school. However, it’s what the child did next that melted Alyssa’s heart: “The boy stands and does his best salute.” Now, that’s what being an American is all about.
Alyssa later approached the soldiers about their kind deed and learned that their names are Edgar A. Gonzalez and Pedro Cordoba. They’re both dads and admitted that they do kind things like this to help alleviate the stress and anxiety they experience from their difficult job. This is proof that there is still hope for our country — all we need to do is ensure that our children have heroes like these two men to look up to.
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