A Restaurant Refused To Serve A Cop, Then The Chief Walked In…

One of the most prevalent types of human rights abuses and breaches is discrimination, in all of its manifestations and forms. Every day, it has an impact on millions of individuals and is one of the hardest to recognize.

Discrimination occurs when people are treated less favorably than other people in a comparable situation only because they belong, or are perceived to belong to a certain group or category of people. People may be discriminated against because of their age, disability, ethnicity, origin, political belief, race, religion, sex or gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, and on many other grounds.

Discrimination, which is often the result of prejudices people hold, makes people powerless, impedes them from becoming active citizens, restricts them from developing their skills, and, in many situations, from accessing work, health services, education, or accommodation.

There are different faces of discrimination, the way it affects human rights, as well as the measures and initiatives that are underway or should be introduced to counter intolerance and discrimination and to contribute to a culture of peace and human rights, some of the most pervasive forms of discrimination, such as discrimination based on disability, gender or religion. However, for this police officer, he experienced discrimination when a restaurant in Virginia decided not to serve him food and even asked for him to leave the establishment!

The incident occurred at Noodles & Company restaurant in Virginia when a police officer, visited the chain restaurant and was denied service by the cashier.

The female cook walked up front and pointed at the unfortunate cop, telling the cashier that they don’t serve “that” type of person in their company. The officer had been in line for 45 minutes.

The cashier then declared that she was unable to serve the officer. Although people didn’t frequently ignore him and act as though they were in charge, he could see that his authority would be meaningless in this situation.

The officer was eager for his day off because he had been working 12-hour shifts back-to-back and was ready to take a break. The unnamed officer, a resident of Alexandria, only needed a break.

He had methodically planned this day, with sleeping in and eating out being two of the top priorities. He would also go outside to enjoy the sunshine and clean air. He would then crack open a cold one in the evening and watch TV.

He just decided to go to the local diner, he had never had time to go there before but apparently, the food was great. What he didn’t know was how much he’d regret going there.

The Officer walked into the diner and stood at the back of the line. He could feel his hunger grow as he waited. After looking at the menu he narrowed down his options to two dishes. Cook was aware that with all of his great qualities he was picky when it came to food.

So coming to the restaurant he had hoped that the food would satisfy his expectations. He felt that the 45-minute wait he’d have to endure in line would make it all worth it when he got his meal. But he was very wrong.

They peered at him with dirty looks. It had been a while since someone had looked at him like that. When he was wearing his work uniform they normally treated him a little differently. But here no one knew who he was.

You better pull me off the line because I’m not serving that,” The female cook allegedly told the cashier, and even have the guts to laugh at the expense of the police officer, who departed the restaurant after being treated unfairly.

The Alexandria Police Department has shared its version of events with the public since the heated incident. Earl Cook, the police chief, visited the Duke Street Noodles & Company shop to voice his displeasure, after knowing about the incident. He insisted on discussing the rude treatment with the management.

He stated:

“Well your first response as a police officer is anger. These are very difficult times right now with our relations with everyone, and to have one of my officers treated in that manner unnecessarily – your first response is anger, then you calm down a bit.”

The restaurant’s management allegedly afterward acknowledged that the officer’s report of the incident was exactly what had happened.

In a statement released by Noodles & Company, it said: 

“Noodles & Company expects the highest ethical and personal behavior from its team members. We value each of our guests and are committed to treating every one with dignity and respect. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination.

“We are working with the appropriate authorities and local police association representatives to get to the bottom of, and resolve this matter as quickly as possible. We have made efforts to reach out to the police officer involved, but have not yet spoken with her. We will continue to look into the situation and will take the appropriate actions at the conclusion of this review.”

Pete Feltham, Alexandria Police Union Representative, stated that the department received full cooperation from the restaurant following the incident. The restaurant also agreed to put signs on its doors in support of blue lives.

“We hope that the business is not judged by the actions of a couple of individuals,” he said.

Watch the video below:


Sources: Awm, Lovethispic, Nydailynews





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