Hillary and Obama have been scheming people since Barack’s first day in office. They have consistently been involved in shady business, and his last day is not any different than the first -Except for the fact that $2.6 Billion is just…GONE. Find out why Obama may be leaving the White House in handcuffs… This is it!
VIA| Barack Hussein Obama only has three days left before he will have to leave the White House forever. This week, something was revealed about Obama that indicates he may just be leaving the White House in handcuffs…
Conservative 101 reported that Obama has found himself in hot water today after $2.6 billion went missing from the government. The United Sates Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspector general just caught those responsible for the missing money, and they revealed that Obama enabled them to steal $2.6 billion in goods using the National Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps.
“We found that 3,394 authorized SNAP retailers (retailers) used Social Security Numbers (SSN) that matched SSNs of deceased people,” the inspector general’s office said. “Additionally, 193 retailers listed owners who were not at least 18 years of age. While FNS did have some controls to edit or verify SNAP retail owner information, these controls were not adequate to ensure owner information accuracy.”
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