You look at Nancy Pelosi, or “grandma Vodka,” as I call her, and you wonder, why is this alcoholic-embalmed woman, who’s like 187 years old, running for office again? How much insider trading does she need to do before it’s finally enough? Trust me, Pelosi doesn’t want to give up her gavel and go back to being a lowly minority leader, and heck, what if she doesn’t even get that much? It could happen.
The party is growing tired of her. So, why on earth is she running again? That’s the big question, and many people have theories, but the one I just saw that investigative reporter Paul Sperry shared is the one I think makes the most sense.
He shared two theories from the SF Gate piece; I am on board with the first one. The second one, where he states Pelosi thinks about running for “higher office,” is absurd. I mean, even she has to know that’ll never happen. Again, she’s 187 years old, and her approval rating is 6 percent or something.
No, that will not happen. I don’t think even Pelosi is that out of touch and narcissistic, but the first theory he shared is very interesting… and speaking of “narcissists,” I think it makes the most sense for someone like Nancy. The theory claims that Pelosi is coming back and will even deal with a humiliating demotion (for a short time) so she can retire midterm and tag-team her daughter, Christine, to carry on her legacy.
Yep. Bingo that sounds like a likely scenario.
SF Gate reported:
Suppose Pelosi goes the way of former House Speaker John Boehner, Ryan’s predecessor, and retires early enough in her term. In that case, a special election will fill Pelosi’s San Francisco congressional district. Special elections are typical of the lower turnout variety where only the most politically engaged participate — but California’s new universal vote-by-mail rules could change that.
There has been persistent chatter in Democratic circles that Pelosi’s daughter Christine, a California Democratic Party delegate, could seek that seat, as could state Sen. Scott Wiener, another favorite of Democratic establishment types.
Here’s what Paul said: “Nancy Pelosi Will Run for Re-Election in 2022. Why? To tag-team daughter Christine into her seat after she retires midterm (after losing majority & her speakership)? Or does she have ambitions for higher office (Exhibit A: staging “defiant” Taiwan trip)?”
I mean, honestly, why don’t we put laws in place to stop these evil elderly people from wielding all of this absolute power?
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