WATCH: Trump REFUSED To Board His Plane Before He Did THIS…WHAT A GUY!

Donald Trump just won over our hearts once more. He acts nothing like Hillary Clinton and this is what makes him stand out from the crowd. Donald Trump has continuously shown respect for Americans and expressed particular gratitude for all local and state heroes. And this is one of the many reasons why we cannot stop admiring him.

VIA Angry Patriot

Before boarding his airplane to leave Michigan, Donald Trump took the time to shake the hand of every police officer lined up on the tarmac to ensure his safety.

Trump genuinely likes the police, something Hillary Clinton and her liberal minions just can seem to bring themselves to do.

“I’m on your side 1,000 percent,” Trump said during a recent meeting with police officers in North Carolina. “What you do is incredible.

They must love Trump right back.

The largest police union in the United States, the Fraternal Order of Police, just endorsed Donald J. Trump for president.

“[Trump] has seriously looked at the issues facing law enforcement today. He understands and supports our priorities, and our members believe he will make America safe again,” said Chuck Canterbury, the FOP’s national president. “He’s made a real commitment to America’s law enforcement, and we’re proud to make a commitment to him and his campaign by endorsing his candidacy today.”

An endorsement vote requires more than two-thirds of the group casting ballots in a candidate’s favor.

Democrats used to be able to count on union support across the board, but that has all changed now.

Compared to Barack Obama, who brought nothing but destruction and catastrophe to this country,  Donald Trump is a breath of fresh air and we want to see him running the Ovala and America.


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