Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t fooling anyone if she isn’t fooling the leftist media.
The liberal Democrat returned to the generally friendly confines of “CNN NewsNight” on Monday night to justify a call for a “ceasefire” in the Israel-Hamas battle before Israel even begins the objective of wiping out the Islamist terrorist group.
And she demonstrated why no serious person should take her seriously.
AOC consistently relied on buzzword talking points in a three-minute video uploaded to social media by the Republican National Committee’s RNCResearch account rather than answering difficult questions from CNN’s Abby Phillip.
Check it out here:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spends almost three minutes trying to explain her calls for a "ceasefire" after Hamas terrorists brutally massacred innocent Israelis and it does not go well
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 17, 2023
Phillip noted that after Hamas terrorists staged an Oct. 7 surprise attack that killed over 1,000 Israelis and included recorded scenes of torture, rape, and murder of Jews that rivaled the dark days of the Holocaust, Ocasio-Cortez and her “squad” colleagues began demanding a ceasefire in the hostilities almost immediately.
“What is Israel supposed to do about Hamas after they murdered, brutalized, abducted, over 1,000 of their citizens. Are they supposed to .. do nothing?”
AOC couldn’t even begin to respond — “What’s important to note about a ceasefire is that it’s not one-sided…” – but not before Phillip struck again.
“Do you really believe Israel should not respond” to the attack, she asked.
“Israel does have a right to self-defense,” she allowed. But then she showed her true cards:
“I think what we need to take a look at in this situation is if collective punishment qualifies as defense … We should identify what our goal is, which is the cooling of tensions in the region.”
And that reveals the game. Anyone who has followed the news out of Israel over the years is well aware that Palestinian terrorists intent on destroying the Jewish state have made hiding among the Palestinian population a normal element of their plan.
It’s a purposeful tactic of using the people they claim to be fighting for as human shields, knowing full well that the more people die, the more Israel would be blamed for the misery created by the country’s attackers.
It’s usually safe for Democrats to use the threat of civilian fatalities to bash Israel, but Phillip didn’t let AOC off the hook.
“Israel’s goal is to rid the region of Hamas. They’ve been very clear about that,” she corrected. “How else are they supposed to address the violent, militant — some say ‘terrorist’ group? Other than to go in there? And take them on directly?”
That elicited a long-winded evasion, a word salad of obfuscation on par with Vice President Kamala Harris’ most embarrassing moments — managing to be both dumb and condescending at the same time. “Complications,” she explained. It’s a “inherently complex” scenario, she says.
But, in the end, she had no response.
And people on social media took note.
She offers nothing in the way of solutions and says nothing about release of hostages to cool tensions. Typical circular nonsense spewing out of her mouth
— TheSkepticalPatriot (@TSPcorner) October 17, 2023
She said nothing, as usual. No solutions or recommendations, just empty words and tap dancing.
— tequilaking69 (@tequilaislife69) October 17, 2023
Watching @AOC try to remember her pro-Hamas talking points is painful. @CNN stop giving this terrorist sympathizer a platform to spread her anti-Semitic views.
The Squad should be given no attention until they demand the release of the hostages and condemn Hamas’ brutality.
— Never Again Is Now 🇺🇸🇮🇱🎗️ (@Mikeblumey) October 17, 2023
One of Ocasio-Cortez’s first interviews as a national celebrity, a notorious exchange in which Margaret Hoover on PBS’ “Firing Line,” tried to make sense of the immature rubbish spewing out of AOC’s mouth on the Israeli-Palestinian problem, resurfaced.
“I’m not the expert on geopolitics,” Ocasio-Cortez finally admitted in the July 2018 interview, shortly after winning the Democratic primary that launched her into her congressional office six months later.
"I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue"
— MAX-Q (@TedCornwell) October 17, 2023
Those may have been the most honest statements Ocasio-Cortez has ever spoken.
The difficulty for the United States currently is that the party Ocasio-Cortez so well symbolizes controls much too much of its political system, including the White House, the Senate, and the country’s main cities.
When it comes to crises, the Democrats of 2023 are no closer to offering a solution to the Israeli-Hamas conflict than Ocasio-Cortez was Monday night. They’re long on buzzwords, quick to blame victims when those victims don’t fit leftist ideology (and armed, tough Jewish Israel doesn’t) and unafraid of parading their self-righteous ignorance in front of a sympathetic establishment media.
But the solution is to destroy Hamas, as sane people understand.
The Israeli government is well aware of this, as evidenced by its declaration of war on Hamas the day following the attack.
American conservatives understand that Hamas must follow in the footsteps of the Islamic State group, which was eliminated in 2019 by then-President Donald Trump after former President Barack Obama (together with Vice President Joe Biden) allowed it to exist for half a decade.
Democrats who sympathize with Muslim killers will never admit the obvious. To the liberal faculty lounge, Israeli murders at the hands of Islamist savages are only footnotes in the larger history of “liberation.”
There is nothing serious about AOC’s rhetoric of “solutions,” other than the fact that it can be deadly for any country naive enough to rely on Democrats for survival.
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