When Obama Told This Admiral He Can’t Hand Out Bibles – He Didn’t Know Who He Was Messing With

We have some evidence of something we’ve suspected for some time; namely, that despite the concerted efforts of the Obama administration to socially-engineer the U.S. military to look like something you’d see on a left-wing college campus, when this president is gone his residual effect will be minor and rapidly diminishing.

Barack Obama has been pretty open about his plans to destroy the Christian faith in the U.S. military. He won’t let the VA display any Christmas trees, he won’t let chaplains use the name of Jesus when they pray, and he definitely won’t let anyone in a position of authority give out Bibles to servicemen.

However, even though Coast Guard Rear Adm. William D. Lee got the memo, he’s not going to stop giving out Bibles — no matter whatthe president says.

In a 2014 speech before the Family Research Council, Lee described why he would never stop using the word of the Lord as part of his mission.

Adm. Lee talked about his experiences dealing with men and women who have been through things those who haven’t served in the military will never understand.

“They are willing to put their lives on the line. In so doing, they endure stresses that the average American would never know,” Lee said. “As one general so aptly put it, they expect us to check our religion at the door. Don’t bring that here. Leave that business to the chaplains.

“I’m here to tell you there’s not enough chaplains to go around,” he continued. “And who can tell that young man who is downtrodden and on his last legs, who has no hope to go make an appointment to see the chaplain? Go get in line and wait.

Here’s video of that fantastic speech…

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