If you plan to spend your summer going around and drinking copious amounts of beer like it’s your damn job, well, you might as well get paid for it. Now you actually can, thanks to a new internship that will pay you thousands of dollars to travel the world, drink beer, and chronicle your experience this summer. You read that right: you can make real money and travel for free — just for drinking beer and writing about it.
World of Beer, a Florida-based chain of craft beer taverns, is looking for three interns who will spend almost four months this summer visiting breweries across the country and abroad, tasting all sorts of beers, attending beer festivals, and posting about the boozy adventure via a blog and social media, according to the official job description. Yes, it’s just an internship and not a full-time job with a salary and benefits, but World of Beer will pay you $12,000 for your work and cover all your travel expenses, including food and lodging. Oh, and there will be lots of free beer.
“We’re recruiting three Drink it Interns to hit the road this summer and search out the best craft beer and food the world has to offer,” the job description states. “We’ll send you down the street and around the world to capture the best beer stories and document them by blogging, capturing video, taking photos, Facebooking, Tweeting, sharing Vines, Periscoping, and anything else you think would be awesome to help tell the tale.” In other words, it’s a social media internship… but dedicated entirely to beer.
To apply for the beer-soaked internship, follow the instructions listed on World of Beer’s website (HERE) and submit your application before the March 26th deadline. Basically, all you have to do is fill out the company’s application and create a one-minute video explaining why you’re qualified, or if you can, attend one the remaining in-person interview events at World of Beer locations across the country — the next of which is on March 19th in Orlando. The company said it doesn’t matter if you’re still in college, a recent graduate, or even a professional grownup with a full-time job — just as long as you’re 21 and a US citizen. [Update: A World of Beer spokeswoman said you don’t have to be a citizen, but you must be authorized to work in the US.]
Finalists for the position will be contacted the week of March 28th, final interviews will be held the week of April 4th, and the three interns hired for the program will set out on their boozy journey during the last week of April. By the time you get back, you’ll probably be a freaking beer expert. And maybe a little hungover.
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